Source code for aiopluggy.plugin_manager

import inspect
import warnings

from .helpers import fqn
from .hooks import HookImpl
from .hook_caller import HookCaller

[docs]class PluginManager(object): """ Core Pluginmanager class which manages registration of plugin objects and 1:N hook calling. You can register new hooks by calling ``add_hookspec(module_or_class)``. You can register plugin objects (which contain hooks) by calling ``register(plugin)``. The Pluginmanager is initialized with a prefix that is searched for in the names of the dict of registered plugin objects. For debugging purposes you can call ``enable_tracing()`` which will subsequently send debug information to the trace helper. """ class _Namespace(object): pass def __init__(self, project_name): self.project_name = project_name self.implmarker = '_pluggy_%s_impl' % project_name self.specmarker = '_pluggy_%s_spec' % project_name self.hooks = self._Namespace() self.registered_plugins = set() self.history = [] # list of (name, kwargs) tuples in historic order. self.replay_to = {} # HookImpl objects, indexed by name self.unscheduled_coros = [] """:type: list(tuple(aiopluggy.hooks.HookImpl, Coroutine))""" self.unhandled_exceptions = [] """:type: list(tuple(aiopluggy.hooks.HookImpl, Exception))"""
[docs] def register_specs(self, namespace): """ add new hook specifications defined in the given module_or_class. Functions are recognized if they have been decorated accordingly. """ names = [] for name in dir(namespace): spec_flag_set = self._get_hookspec_flag_set(namespace, name) if spec_flag_set is None: continue hc = getattr(self.hooks, name, None) if hc is None: hc = HookCaller(name, self) setattr(self.hooks, name, hc) # plugins registered this hook without knowing the spec hc.set_spec(namespace, spec_flag_set) names.append(name) if len(names) == 0: warnings.warn( "did not find any %r hooks in %r" % (self.project_name, namespace) ) return names
[docs] def register(self, namespace): """ Register a plugin and return its canonical name. Raises: ValueError: if the plugin is already registered. """ plugin_name = fqn(namespace) if plugin_name in self.registered_plugins: raise ValueError("Plugin already registered: %s=%s" % (plugin_name, namespace)) # XXX if an error happens we should make sure no state has been # changed at point of return self.registered_plugins.add(plugin_name) for name in dir(namespace): hookimpl_flagset = self._get_hookimpl_flag_set(namespace, name) if hookimpl_flagset is None: continue hookimpl = HookImpl( namespace, name, hookimpl_flagset ) hook_caller = getattr(self.hooks, name, None) if hook_caller is None: hook_caller = HookCaller(name, self) setattr(self.hooks, name, hook_caller) # noinspection PyTypeChecker hook_caller.add_hookimpl(hookimpl) if hook_caller.spec and hook_caller.spec.is_replay: self.replay_to[] = hookimpl self._replay_history() return plugin_name
def _get_hookspec_flag_set(self, namespace, name): thing = getattr(namespace, name) if not inspect.isroutine(thing): return None flag_set = getattr(thing, self.specmarker, None) return flag_set def _get_hookimpl_flag_set(self, plugin, name): thing = getattr(plugin, name) if not inspect.isroutine(thing) and not inspect.isclass(thing): return None flag_set = getattr(thing, self.implmarker, None) if flag_set is None and inspect.isclass(thing): flag_set = getattr(thing.__init__, self.implmarker, None) return flag_set
[docs] def redundant(self): """Dictionary of ``first_only`` hooks with multiple implementations.""" result = {} for name, hookcaller in self.hooks.__dict__.items(): if name[0] == "_": continue spec = hookcaller.spec if spec is not None and spec.is_first_only and len(hookcaller.functions) > 1: result[name] = hookcaller return result
[docs] def unspecified(self): """Dictionary of implemented hooks without specification.""" result = {} for name in self.hooks.__dict__: if name[0] == "_": continue hook = getattr(self.hooks, name) if hook.spec is None: result[name] = hook return result
[docs] def unimplemented(self): """Dictionary of specified hooks without implementation.""" result = {} for name in self.hooks.__dict__: if name[0] == "_": continue hook = getattr(self.hooks, name) if hook.spec is not None and len(hook.functions) == 0: result[name] = hook return result
[docs] def missing(self): """Dictionary of specified required hooks without implementation.""" result = {} for name in self.hooks.__dict__: if name[0] == "_": continue hook = getattr(self.hooks, name) if hook.spec is not None and hook.spec.is_required and len(hook.functions) == 0: result[name] = hook return result
def _replay_history(self): if len(self.replay_to) == 0: return for name, kwargs in self.history: if name not in self.replay_to: continue hookimpl = self.replay_to[name] hookcaller = getattr(self.hooks, name) """:type: aiopluggy.hook_caller.HookCaller""" if hookimpl.is_async or any( b.is_async for b in hookcaller.before ): self.unscheduled_coros.append(( hookimpl, hookcaller._multicall_first_async( kwargs, first_only=True, functions=[hookimpl] ) )) else: try: hookcaller.replay(hookimpl, kwargs) except Exception as e: self.unhandled_exceptions.append((hookimpl, e)) self.replay_to = {} async def await_unscheduled_coros(self): for hookimpl, coro in self.unscheduled_coros: try: await coro except Exception as e: self.unhandled_exceptions.append((hookimpl, e))